Wednesday, September 30, 2015

9-30 Avignon, France

9/30 Avignon
Today the weather was great! I slept in until 8 or 9 and was slow about getting up and around knowing the town here is relatively small. I figured I would get out on my feet and get a jog while I feel good and the shin doesn't hurt. I jumped out, immediately got lost between some gigantic structures and felt trapped, so I took the quickest exit which was the outside of the wall, and made a loop around the town. After that, I still felt great even though I was being fueled by a couple of donuts so I headed west and went up the hill that went on for 3 miles or so, and came back to town. All in all, it was about 10 miles and was pretty. The rest of the day I walked around and snapped some photos. I neglected to go in the Palace of the Popes because it was between 10-20 euros and I'm not too religious so didn't pay much attention to it. It is a mysteriously simple gigantic structure from the outside though.
This is when I got claustrophobic...

What was the point of building 3/4 of a bridge?

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