Thursday, October 1, 2015

10-1 Arles, France

10/1 Arles
Today, I was woken up by 4 women that felt it was necessary that all 8 people wake up at 6:30 because they were up. Lights on, talking loudly, and having no self awareness at how loud they were being in general. Terribly inconsiderate, but oh well. That just meant I was putting on my grumpy pants and starting the day. Those quickly changed to my energetic happy pants in a hurry, when I decided to take a day trip to Arles just south of Avignon, and known for its Roman ruins. I'm not a big history buff, but I do like to stand in the presence of ancient ruins and let my imagination wander to what it was like when the structures were in their peak usage with many Romans in togas going nuts in an Ampitheatre or circus. A boy can dream right? So, I ran around town and got a pass to see a bunch of ruins and a museum. I couldn't get away from the Camino though! It also starts in Alyscamps. I will never outrun the Camino! Made, it back to town and didn't do much that night. Just laid low.

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