Sunday, October 18, 2015

10-16, 10-17, 10-18 Kempten, Germany

10/16 10/17 10/18
Kempten, Germany 
Friday, I woke up and Benny was sick so I hung out with him until Noon.  Then, I went to the gym to workout with Jürgen. It was cloudy and rainy again. We watched the climbing movie Touching The Void and that was pretty good! A pretty relaxing night.

Saturday we went to town for some wursts for breakfast. Jürgen, the boys, and I went for a hike up a hill outside of Kempten and that was nice, but the clues were low again. Nothing you can do about that. 

Jürgen made homemade chocolate and Nutella that was fun to be a part of. 

Then we stayed up and played games until almost 11.  
Another good day.

 Sunday we spent about 6 hours at the indoor climbing gym since it was raining again. It was a nice place about 20 minutes from Kempten. 

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