Thursday, October 15, 2015

10-12, 10-13, 10-14, 10-15 Kempten, Germany

10/12, 10/13, 10/14, 10/15
Kempten, Germany
I arrived Sunday night and it was nice to spend time with family the three previous days and now I will spend some time with a family that I consider family as well. I came here 9 years ago when I was 18 with family, and it doesn't seem that long ago.

Monday, we went to workout in the morning. Then later than night we went climbing outdoors on a wall that was wet and pretty cold.

Tuesday we went to Füssen to get a jacket real quick because the weather was getting so cold and I was ill-prepared as always. Then that night Jürgen and I went climbing indoors this time. Both days the kids wanted to play on the trampoline which was pretty fun to get back on. It's been a really long time since I was on one of those! It makes me feel old!

Wednesday, we went to workout and then had weisswurst for breakfast. Then we went to hike Burgberger Hölne, which was really cool to hike to. Then we later went to have burgers which was pretty good.

Thursday, I slept in and walked to downtown to get a haircut. Then later that night, I walked to meet Jürgen to go climbing again indoors.

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