Friday, October 23, 2015

10-23 Palma, Mallorca Island, Spain

10/23 Palma

Today, I felt wasn't maximized because I wasn't active enough, but in actuality I put in 24.75 miles walking, so I guess I was moving. 

I got up and out of my hotel because I didn't like it there much and found a new hotel by 9 o'clock.  Luckily, I checked in and they were very accommodating to me. Since my flight the next morning was before breakfast I asked if I could have breakfast now since it was included and they let me. It was very kind of them and I'm glad I finally asked for some help! It was the first time I had seen pancakes in 2 months so I gorged myself on them. 

After, I headed out and went to Palma. It seemed like it took forever to get there and it was only a couple of hours, but it was ok because the weather was finally 80 degrees and sunny! I got the chance to work on my tan! 

I walked to town and saw the cathedral and walked around. It was alright and something to do to pass the time and headed back. 

I had to organize and get ready for the next mornings flight because it was so early back to Germany. It was a nice day in the sun!

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