Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10-20 Palma to Port de Soller

Palma to Port de Soller

I didn't sleep much so I got up and slowly made my way out to the beach to start walking north to Palma.

 I rented a nice bike run by Swiss guys and slowly made my way out of town around 11am. It was a little dicey getting out of town because I was uncomfortable with Spanish drivers on the Camino. Here they are very cautious because there are many cyclists on the road.  This is a cyclist's Mecca,  I quickly learned, because of the mountains on the north side of the island.

I made my way north through Valldemossa which was beautiful and on to Soller and Port de Soller. I saw two people driving, while I was biking, that helped my language barrier while getting my plane ticket yesterday. It's a small world! Then stopped at a cliff and spoke with a Danish couple and we talked about Colorado and the Leadville 100 ride because he was a biker and he told me how lucky I was to be riding here. They also had heard me riding downhill cheering because I was so excited about hitting 50kph so I was really pumped up all day.

It was truly a special day for me, but I felt I was missing something. I wish my brother was here to ride with me since he is the biker of the family. He would have really loved seeing the uphills kick my butt and would've gotten a kick out of my childish yelling going fast downhill. Miss you Evan!

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