Monday, October 19, 2015

10-18, 10-19 Kempten, Germany to Palma, Mallorca Island, Spain

10/ 18/19
Kempten, Germany to Palma, Mallorca

Today was interesting....Woke up and went to workout with Jürgen. Walked through town and back to the house. 

Then took the Ryanair flight to Palma. First, you have to print the ticket at home or they will charge you 15E for it. That was frustrating, and I had to go through 3 different people. I heard they nickel and dimed you but good lord. It was a 2 hour flight in front of a young boy with no self awareness and was yelling the entire time and using my seat as a soccer ball. I was about to use him as a soccer ball!!! Finally made it in, and hopped on the first bus to town... Well, that went the wrong way... At the end of the way all the way north of Palma, the guy kicked me out and I had to wait for the next one even though he just turned around. That was confusing. I had to ride the bus back to the airport and then take another bus south to the place I was staying. 3 hours after arriving, I finally made it to my hotel. 

5 degrees Celsius to 25 ! I'll take that!
(25C is about 76 degrees Fahrenheit)

Now, when I got there, there was no one at reception. The guy from next door was drinking beer and sitting outside, and thankfully someone gave him my key so I got into my room. I went and got a quick bite to eat and was accosted by a hoard of guys selling useless stuff. It made me hesitant about how safe I was there so I didn't sleep much.

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