Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10-21 Port de Soller to Port de Pollence, Mallorca Island, Spain

Port de Soller to Port de Pollença
Today, was a brutal day until about 3 o'clock.. I got up and it was pouring rain so I took full advantage of the breakfast buffet and gorged on coffee, churros, and eggs. 

As the rain stopped, I headed out. I headed back to Soller and started the climb towards this mountain i'd been eyeing all morning. It seemed like forever chasing it down. It took what seemed like forever! It was only an hour or so and 10 kilometers. 

At the top, I met a couple guys that noticed me at the hotel as crazy doing this alone and teamed up. We hit the top and started out cruise down the hill. I stopped for a picture at the Gorg Bleu and found a cell phone. I noticed it was in German and the guys I was with were Swiss so I gave it to them... 15 minutes later, a panicked driver cruised up and retrieved his phone. That was nice to see the relief on his face. Around Noon, my chain got stuck for quite a while and I lost the guys I was with. 

The last 15k into the Port were flat and into headwind. If you know me then you know how skinny I am, and the wind basically held me in one spot. It was tough going. Finally, I made it to the port and the lady at the apartment I rented was the sweetest lady. She was very motherly trying to help me and wondering why I was alone and what not. It was comforting. 

I found a place with nachos (which is not good diet wise, but more of a comfort food) and I was satisfied. I walked the beach for the rest of the night and called it a night early. After the wind and cold, it was good to hit the hay.

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