Monday, October 5, 2015

10-5 Gorge du Verdon

Gorge du Verdon
France has been confusing weather wise. It will be nice around 10 AM with blue skies and then grey and then will brighten again later in the day. Quit playing games with me and make up your mind!

I decided to rent a kayak and head down to the Gorge du Verdon. Rentals were only for an hour and it went by pretty quick. Since it was overcast, the water didn't seem very tempting to jump in especially with the Forbidden to Get Out of Boats sign and all. The Gorge was very beautiful and I can't wait to go to the Grand Canyon to make the comparisons, but here was the Grand Canyon of France. It was pretty sweet. 

Next, I headed up to the top and looked around to try to see some good views which didn't disappoint. Pretty steep drops and very high jagged cliffs made it worthwhile.

How did that church get up there?

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