Saturday, October 3, 2015

10-3 Lyon, France

When I got up, fairly late, about 9:30 I went to Les Halles. That's the indoor market. It was pretty fun, and definitely new for me. First, I tried a Foie Gras baguette. That had a jam on it that masked the flavor pretty well. So, I got a Foie Gras plate and sat and ate that. That was definitely unique. It was creamy and buttery but pretty powerful tasting. Just the sight of it is a little overwhelming. After that, I went for a run through town and it started raining so I didn't take many pictures, but they were setting up for the Run Lyon marathon the next day. The town seemed to be pretty active too for how large it was. That was good to see. Finally did some more laundry too. That was nice. Pretty low key day.

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