Saturday, October 24, 2015

10-24 Mallorca Island, Spain to Kempten, Germany to Munich, Germany

Mallorca, Spain - Kempten, Germany - Munich, Germany
Today started out early. I had to leave at 5 am to go to the airport. It was 1.1 miles away and somehow the cab was 15 euros. Also, it was impossible to walk there. Why would you make an airport that's not accessible? Seems ridiculous to me. Oh well, what can you do? 

I got on the plane and headed to Kempten. I was picked up by Jurgen and we headed back to his house. On the way, he asked if I wanted to stop and eat at an opening event for the new electrical service in town. I said sure, and next thing I knew I had one hand with Leberkase in it and the other a Coke/Fanta combo. For going, we had to go on a tour of the site and I quickly realized that I had become very selective at what I listened to. I could communicate in German better than Spanish and French, but I noticed I wasn't processing the words and just hearing noise while I looked at the metal. 

Next, we headed to the house and I helped a little with the yard work...getting plants trimmed for winter and the trampoline taken down. 

I said goodbyes and headed to the train station. At the train station, a young lady approached jurgen and I more aggressive than I was comfortable, and asked if I was heading to Munich and wanted to wait and get the ticket on the train. I didn't know how legal this situation was so I went blank and had Jurgen help. It actually ended up being very helpful. It dropped the ticket from 23 euros to 14 each for just getting the ticket together. Works with me.

I made my way to Munich and to my stepsister, Wendy's place and watched the show Ballers with The Rock before heading to bed.

This was some sort of hologram lady giving instructions... They didn't want pictures of her.

And... I was the first one there.

Over the mountains in southern Germany!

Nice place to drop off... I hope you know the person that drops you off!

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