Friday, October 2, 2015

10-2 Avignon to Lyon

Avignon to Lyon
The entire day was rainy today, and the bus schedule did not jive with my time for heading to Lyon. Instead, it turned out to be a nice day. When I sat down for a coffee, which I don't ever need, I met a Michigan native named Allen. He was 70, but wanted to do some exploring so I decided I'd keep him company since he was rolling solo now. We hit the tourism office and figured why not hit the bridge and Palace of the Popes since it was raining so badly... Turns out since I was with him I got the seniors discount! That makes life more affordable! The Palace of the Popes was cool, but it looked like throughout the years, it had been stripped of all details. Still, it was a pretty massive structure and was cool to think of the types of ceremonies and quantities being served in the giant mess halls. After, Allen decided he was hungry so I said I'd take a break with him, and he said he would buy me lunch. A nice gesture, and a nice lunch of steak and fries. Then we went to the bridge and that was pretty cool. I still haven't figured out why it was only 3/4 of the way across the river, but I can research that. Then, I said goodbye and hit the train for Lyon! 

Upon arrival in Lyon, it was pure chaos at the train station! It was a giant bustling city and everyone was aggressive and bumping you as they walked by, I was a laid back mountain kid out of water! After gathering my broken spirit from people rushing around and lost, I got it together and made it to the accommodations. First, I hit Fourviere at night to take in the city. It was cool to see the entire city all lit up. It's a pretty big place!

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