Sunday, October 11, 2015

10-9, 10-10, 10-11 Munich, Germany

10/9, 10/10, 10/11
Munich, Germany

Friday, I spent most of the day on the train or bus, and finally arrived at my stepsister's and her boyfriend's place in Munich.  Friday night we just walked around and grabbed some dinner and then crashed out pretty early.

Rub the Lion's nose for good luck! I needed it!

Saturday, we got up and headed to Olympic Park to get our race packets. Wendy's boyfriend was running the marathon relay so it was fun to have someone go with me! We tried to keep the newborn baby asleep for most of the ride, but it didn't really happen. Saturday night we went to this old bar below ground and it was a big beer hall with authentic Bavarian food! I decided on the Käse Spaetzle since I thought it would be like pasta and would fuel me for the miles of the next day. I was also excited to run the first road marathon in the last 3 years and ready to get it going.

Sunday morning came around fast and we walked over to Olympic Park where we would start. The atmosphere was good and ready to go, but my German language hadn't kicked in yet, and I was set on just ignoring the foreign language from Spain and France, where I understood nearly nothing. Well, the weather was about 50 degrees and overcast which is great running weather so they say. I saw Wendy at about 5k and that was the last familiar thing I saw for the rest of the marathon. At about 20k I started to realize that the Spaetzle from the night before actually didn't provide fuel for the next day, and I was running on fumes already. It was a slow day after that as I saw the pace numbers slowly pass me out of sight. 3:48 again in the 3:40s which I just can't seem to get out of no matter the day. Better luck next time.

So German! A pretzel and an apple Shorle.

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