Sunday, September 13, 2015

9/13 Los Arcos to Logrono

9/13 Los Arcos to Logroño
Today was one I'll not soon forget. We went with the flow all day. At 6:30 AM we hit the road; Joe, Sam, Jan and I. We hit Viana around11:30 and there were celebrations beginning. The company there was quite great as well! In Viana, we found out there would be something special at 2... So, Sam and I got very excited by the anticipation! There was a running of the Bulls in town!!! It was insane! We hung out and had tapas and all the Aussies we left behind soon caught up! We crowded the streets to see the crazy bulls and it was a blast! These people were nuts running up and down and taunting the bulls. After, we went to Logroño and Lucy, who now lives in Logroño, took us out! We went and all pitched money and had a blast trying different pinchos. It was an absolute blast enjoying the new experiences with my new friends... Even if the Aussies called me Josh because they said I looked like one.

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