Wednesday, September 23, 2015

9-23 Carrion de los Condes to Ledigos

Carrion de los Condes To Ledigos
Today was a slow day. It's starting to really grind out here in the Mesetas. They are just boring flatlands. There's an Italian man named Toolio out here, that cracks me up. He caught me twice and he claims I'm very meditative because I'm a Virgo and quiet when I want to be. He is very loud and purposely tries to get historic with everything. His name is from Roman times. When he caught me the first time, he made sure to ask if I would like to talk or he will overtake me if I do not wish to because I'm so quiet. I'm trying to grind out this shin thing which is hit or miss throughout the day. Ledigos was nice. The guy running the renovated albergue was a hair slick backed smooth operator. Anything you wanted, he could make happen. That was cool to see. He took pride in the place and the albergue had a face of an older lady as the symbol, I think must have been his mother. It was cool to see, and a very nice place for 7 euros!

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