Saturday, September 12, 2015

9-12 Villatuerte to Los Arcos

9/12 Villatuerte to Los Arcos
Today, I left about 7 AM and it was rainy and overcast for most of the day. Around 8:30 AM we hit the wine fountain. That was amusing. It had a maximum of 100 liters a day. That seemed a bit excessive! For the first time, I had an amazing breakfast and found stuff that I enjoyed. Eggs, chorizo, and French fries for breakfast? That'll have to do. And a potato and ham quiche. They call them tortillas here which is very confusing. While there, I met Joe (New York) and Lucy (Australia) that I walked the rest of the day with. On the way, we passed an old man and woman that had a stand. The woman was playing an accordion and a song I knew... The Chicken Dance! So I grooved a little bit. The 12k to Los Arcos was a long walk with beautiful rolling hills and vineyards and olive trees on the way. At the albergue in Los Arcos we met a group of Australians (Sam, Jan, Margi, and Annabelle. We ended up sitting in the square and cooking dinner together and had an amazing time! It was a ton of fun! I didn't want to sleep.

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