Friday, September 25, 2015

9-25 Sahagun to El Burgo Ranero

Sahagun to El Burgo Ranero
Today, I went out Lone Wolf. All by myself. I walked from about 800 - 1300 and finally just stopped in El Burgo Ranero about 20k out or so. Pretty warm day. Nothing really enlightening happened. Just more flat badly farmed land. Started to realize I may not finish before having to embark on my other adventures. When I got to El Burgo I hit the municipal albergue for the first time and it was donation based. I sat across the street at the cafe and played Gin with a few new friends I had seen along the way, James and Ashley. It was a pretty fun game and easy to catch on to. Overall not a bad day. I did get scolded in Spanish for showing up to the albergue at 9:58 when it closes at 10. That was absurd.

This doesn't seem structurally sound.....

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