Friday, September 18, 2015

9-18 Belorado to Ages

9/18 Belorado To Ages
Pretty easy day and around noon the sun started shining. I met a man from Holland (Gil) on the 12k stretch. Upon meeting again, we just spoke pretty casually for 15-20 minutes. I met him the night before when we were just hanging out in the square in Belorado. After about 2k of talking about nothing, we started getting into why we were here and what we were trying to accomplish or find out here. It got pretty heavy in the 2 hours to town and pretty darn emotional. It was pretty amazing. It was great to see that if I opened up a little to let a stranger in out here that they would do the same. Everyone has a different story for being here and it's great to hear! 
After the pretty easy day of hiking, I decided at 2 to call it a day. Finally, I was early enough to get any albergue and sort out my plan! First, I needed to eat though! I ate so much food, that I felt as if I would never eat again. Then, a lovely British lady (Sharon) helped me plot out the rest of my Camino. She has completed it before, so she was showing me all the good spots! Next, there was a college class of 10 with a professor and his wife that came into the albergue! They actually give the kids credit for doing this! It was on the east coast and I don't remember the name of the little school but I couldn't believe it! All they did before was hit the beach for 2 weeks in Biarritz before and learn Spanish and the history! If I got credit for being active in college I would have been doing so much better! All in all, a pretty darn good day.

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