Wednesday, September 9, 2015

9/9 St Jean Pied de Port, France to Roncesvalles, Spain

9/9 St. Jean Pied de Port to Roncesvalles
We woke up around 6 and started on the trail about 7:30. The entire day was spent walking through the Pyrenees. It was beautiful! I met a couple of Brazilians going up that I spent the day chatting with. It was fun learning people's stories. Halfway up the mountain there was a coffee shop and most people stopped for a coffee or smoke. A lot of people doing the Camino smoke. Very strange. Just past the coffee shop we continued up the road where horses, sheep, and a pig were grazing freely. I spent the next 10 minutes chasing around the pig I called "Hammy". We arrived to the monastery in Roncesvalles around 5 which was still early enough to get a bed but not the earliest. This place had over 180 beds! It was chaos. I paid the 10 euros for the room and 10 for the Pilgrim's Menu. Dinner was grilled pork, French fries, spaghetti, and ice cream. Not too bad for loads of people. The lights went out at 10.

Camino de Santiago Passport

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