Friday, September 18, 2015

9-17 Belorado, Spain

9/17  Belorado 
Today, I stayed in Belorado again. Just a day to slow down and relax... So I thought. I woke up refreshed and ready to go. I decided what better way to spend my 27th birthday, than to go run 27 miles? I was happy and healthy and excited for life! It only took about 4 hours and around mile 20, I realized I had eaten anything of substance the last night and wasn't drinking much water because I didn't have a water bottle. Oh well, I'm in northern Spain and life couldn't get much better right now! I was doing something I love to do for 4 hours and loved every second of it. I've slowed down the last couple of days to "smell the roses" as some might say, and now I must continue tomorrow. Just a quick post today. Nothing too exciting. If you know me, you know I didn't tell many people it was my birthday. Just a good relaxing day.

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