Thursday, September 24, 2015

9-24 Ledigos to Sahagun

Ledigos to Sahagun
Another slow day on the Meseta. Icing and stretching the shin but still is a pain in the butt! Sahagun is supposedly halfway. Made it there about 1 PM and parked it at the newly renovated albergue... It sucked! They don't show you the rooms usually until you pay, and this was just a gigantic room with bunks everywhere. Also, the front gate was open the entire day so it didn't seem very safe. Met a doctor from South Carolina (Paula) and had a good evening speaking with her. The kid working the desk and restaurant didn't seem too pumped on working so that was kind of off putting. Still had a good night speaking with this doctor and talked much of the time of the Appalachian Trail. That would be fun to do, but so long.

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