Wednesday, September 16, 2015

9-16 Belorado, Spain

9/16 Belorado 
It was raining this morning, so I decided to finally rest. I thought instead of this being a miserable endeavor in the rain to wait. I decided to stop and I will wait for some of the Aussies to catch up because I enjoyed their company so much. They have such a different perspective from the American culture that it's very good to hear. I finally took the time to sit down and really think if the time spent being miserable and hurting was worth it. Ultimately, I finally was able to be happy with just slowing down and gathering myself for once and not constantly being on the go. I spend much of my time home on the go, always tiring myself, and pushing for the next goal. Finally, it was nice to sit down and look at how far I've gone and be happy with the process and people I've met along the way. The happiness and people I've met along the way mean more than the loneliness and wet defeated feeling I had. Time to relax and not go so fast and enjoy the journey instead of making it so grueling. So, I wandered around town today as well.

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