Sunday, September 27, 2015

9-27 Mansilla de las Mulas to Leon, Spain

Mansilla de las Mulas to Leon
Today, went well. A last 20k push into town. Nice and flat and hit the road with James and Ashley again for a sunny easy walk. We grabbed a coffee about halfway and made it to town around 12. We seemed to have stumbled into a renaissance street fair that was pretty memorable with tons of meats being cooked on the greets and cheeses and crepes being made everywhere! We made our way to some hostels and again they were full. Finally, on the last one they had an opening. On the last night of the Camino I splurged the 20 euros for the single room to have some peace and quiet. I was in the room by 9 and hit the sheets. It was a fun filled day.
I will give a rundown of basically the first half of the Camino in a later post... Stay tuned!

This got really weird!

Trying some octopus!

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