Tuesday, September 15, 2015

9-15 Najera to Belorado

9/15 Nájera to Belorado
Today was an extremely long day. We went by the maps 44k or so but on our phones it said about 33 miles. Those don't match up. We hit the usual stopping point for the day at noon. We grabbed a meal real quick and still felt good so we continued on. Again, it was overcast much of the day. It started raining once we left and would continue for the next 6 hours or so. The rain began to sink into the layers of clothes and started to become miserable, but we reserved a place in Belorado so we had to make it there, so we soldiered on. There were many towns on our route today that seemed lifeless. No one was walking around and nothing was going on. It seemed like the western books I like refer to as "tumbleweed towns" and it was kind of cool. Again, with the rain and distance on our feet it was impossible to truly appreciate it. Luckily, there are water fountains in every town so it is easy to get water everywhere you go. Once we got to the albergue it was nice just to lay down and relax.

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