Friday, August 28, 2015


For those of you that don't know, I'm Sean Thornton. Growing up, I was always as active as possible. We would travel to national parks, get involved in any sports, and run around town eating donuts into the wee hours of morning (Sorry Pops). Also, we created games that usually turned out badly, like throwing walnuts at each other until I took a walnut to the front two teeth and now that's all I want for Christmas! Being left handed, I learned quickly that I was different, and would have to transpose things in my mind if I wanted to learn to throw a ball. Being left handed made me feel unique, and I started to enjoy doing things differently than others. When everyone would ride their bikes to school, I would start running before them and inevitably end up chasing them to the front doors. 4 years ago, some would say, my life changed into the adventure it is today. I was hungover one morning during my internship, and decided to "spice" things up. One Estimator's wife was a very accomplished endurance athlete and I decided to make a bet. He told me one of her half marathon times was 2:05. That night, I went home and jumped on the treadmill for 2:03:55 for 13.1 miles, and that's when I began running...

Since then, it's been a whirlwind of creating new adventures and exploring new places.

I will post pictures and videos of my adventures to let everyone know I'm still kickin', even though everyone has their own definition of "safe", I will attempt to be. So, jump on this blog and hold on tight! Welcome to my life!

Yes, I've been bored enough to climb onto a billboard...

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